A collection of my short stories that I have written over the years.
Photoshop Project
This is my Photoshop Portfolio section of my site. I enjoy using using photoshop to manipulate photos of random ideas that pop in my head. Enjoy.
The Pros In Cons
Married couple Martin and Shirley do whatever it takes to be in front of the spot light. Even if they have to cut corners, step on people or flat out lie on social media to let everyone know that they live a glamorous lifestyle.
Why Outdoor Adventure
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Experience: Locavit liberioris possedit
Reputation: Diremit mundi mare undae
Guide Experience: Spectent tonitrua mutastis
What You Get
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.